Boing C-97 StratoFreighter

I got to fly right seat on one of these, from Van Nuys Ca to Honolulu Hawaii in 1966
Raymond Flying a Vintage Stearman... YaHoo!!

Brackett Airport 1/18/2004
This is the Convair TF-102A Delta Dagger 41367

I flew 3 times in the right seat of this aircraft on test flights, and got to go supersonic on 2 of those flights.
I was crew cheif of F-102A 61453 and 61410 (not pictured) 1966-1976

F 102's on the ramp in Ontario Ca
Lockheed T-33

I got to fly back seat on several test flights in the T-33 also
I have checked out in Cessna 150's, 172's, and 182's and the Cherokee 140.

A Cessna 172