JUNE 2010
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2nd - 25 mi GRR MWF
4th - 25 mi GRR MWF
5th - 41 mi BV ~ Clmnt ~ Glendora ~ GMR ~ GRR ~ BV
7th - 25 mi GRR MWF
9th - 25 mi GRR MWF
11th - 25 mi GRR MWF
14th - 25 mi GRR MWF
16th - 25 mi GRR MWF
18th - 25 mi GRR MWF
19th - 25 mi GRR
21st - 25 mi GRR MWF
23rd - 25 mi GRR MWF
28th - 25 mi GRR MWF
30th - 25 Mi GRR MWF
June 366 mi
May 516 mi
Apr 437 mi
Mar 503 mi
Feb 355 mi
Jan 549 mi
YTD 2726 mi
Useful Links:
(Anon): 1) Wednesday 06/02/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/B an Edge
Great day in Paradise
71 degrees start, 61 finish.
Saw Dale and Ella near the Experimental Forest.
A few cars this evening, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
B an Edge at the Monroe turnaround
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Wednesday 06/16/10

25 mi GRR MWF W/Edge
A quiet evening in Paradise
1 car a couple of motorcycles some lizards and another doe
Gotta be careful when approaching these deer when you are riding fast.
They don't know which way to run to be out of your way...
I hit one 20 years ago on this road..
Destroyed a bicycle and spent the night in the hospital...
Watch out for the wild life...
Ride Your Bike
I've been looking at this Fir tree hanging on the side of a cliff for the past 10 years...
Wondering how long it will hang in there.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Monday 06/14/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
Paradise couldn't have been better.
70~75 degree evening and good friends.
Saw Annette, Matt and Ron at the top of Monroe.
Got a good panorama photo of Baldy.
And another critter, a buzz tail on the climb up reward.
He seemed a little angry having his picture taken.
Ride Your Bike
Edge, Annette, Ron, Matt
Pacific Rattle Snake
Panorama of Baldy from Monroe Saddle
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Friday 06/11/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
It was wet, drizzling and foggy the whole ride.
Never got above 50 degrees, what a difference a day makes.
But it was wonderful out there... Paradise..
Somehow I always feel good after one of these rides.
Ride Your Bike
Edge in the fog
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Wednesday 06/09/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
Another Beautiful evening in Paradise.
A little hazy, but good climbing temp 65 degrees.
The ridge was busy, a few cars, motorcycles, and bike riders.
Lots of flowers in bloom, and Yucca plants.
Saw a another doe, she stayed around long enough to get her picture taken.
Met Jason from Diamond Bar, he was climbing the ridge from Glendora to Baldy.
Nice meeting you. Come ride with us any Monday, Wed, Fri.
Ride Your Bike
Jason, a doe, and Yucca
Click Picture for a slide show
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Monday 06/07/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
Nice evening, a lot cooler than Saturday.
Got stung by a wasp, and had another flat tire, but Paradise is worth it.
Turned around at the Shed.
On the way back found a flight feather that was 18 inches long and had a 5/16" shaft...
This was from a large flying creature.. watch out...
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Saturday 06/05/10

41 mi w/B
After the Mt Baldy Pancake breakfast we rode down the Mt Baldy road to Baseline. Baseline/Foothil to Glendora Mountain Road up GMR to Glendora Ridge Road
and GRR back home to Baldy.
A lot of bike people and friends out on the road today.
Saw Ella when we turned on to Baseline in Claremont.
Then saw Anette and Matt coming down on GMR just past the first saddle.
Stopped talked with them and rested a bit before continuing back to Baldy.
Nice seeing and talking with you.
The climbs home were hot today, ran out of water on the reward climb, but a savoiur
drove by and asked if we needed water, Brian said "hell yes" he filled our bottles..
a life saver, Thank you friend.
YaHooie Good friends, good ride.
Ride your Bike
Anette, Matt and B
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Friday 06/04/10
25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge and B
Great evening in Paradise
No cars, a few motorcycles
Saw the same young buck with the velvet on his antlers at the same location, as last Fri.
Both times have been brief, not enough time to get the camera out before he is gone...
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Wednesday 06/30/10
click for slide show
25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
Another great evening pedaling in Paradise.
Saw Matt and Ron about a mile and a half past the fork.
They turned around and rode back to the top of Monroe with edge and me.
We spotted a tarantula there, the creature got handled and examined closely.
When we were getting ready to go,
Ron and Matt down GMR, and Edge an me back to Baldy.
Steve from Manhatten rode up GMR and was continueing toward Baldy.
He rode with Edge an me about half way back up Reward
before turning around to go back to Glendora.
It was nice meeting you Steve, come ride with us again.
A little while after Steve turned around,
Edge spotted a large Rattle snake beside the road.
Stopped to take pictures, this Pacific Rattler has 10 sections on his rattle.
Must have been in stealth mode, he never made a sound.
Anyway great evening, Good ride, good climbing, good friends.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Monday 06/28/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/B and Edge
Just a beauty of an afternoon in Paradise
Mid 70's, clear air, good ride 1:45
Saw Eric, Tim, and Chris at Monroe Saddle
Good talking to ya
Took pictures on the way back
Ride Your Bike
Click for Slide Show
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Wednesday 06/23/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
A very quiet evening in paradise.
1 car, 2 motorcycles.
Easy spin, perfect evening.
Nice moon on the horizon, should be good for a nite ride.
Ride Your Bike
Moon on Ontario Ridge - click picture for a full view of the ridge
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Monday 06/21/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge and Ron
Ron joined us for the ride in paradise this evening.
Saw a small Mountain King snake at the top of Reward.
Moved him off the road to the side.
Continued to the turnaround at the top of Monroe.
There we met Eric, Tim, and Big Chris.
Good meeting you. come ride the Ridge Road with us.
It was another perfect evening on the Ridge Road.
Very little traffic, good riding temperture. Good Friends, Good Ride.
Ride Your Bike
small Mountain King
Edge and Ron
Group at top of Monroe
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Saturday 06/19/2010

25 mi GRR MWF w/B
Didn't have a lot of time to ride today.
So Bryan and I rode the ridge road.
Saw Annette and Matt in the Village before we left they had ridden up GMR to GRR, and to the Baldy Village.
B and I rode out and I had a flat on the way down the reward climb.
Thats 3 for me, in less than 2 weeks.
Anyway rode the normal route, saw Matt and Annette again on their way back.
A little while after that there was a procession of motorcycles with LAPD escorts.
400+ motorcycles, it was the LAPD Newton Street Memorial ride.
Quite a crowd on the ridge today.
Ride Your Bike
Motorcycles and more Motorcycles
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Friday 06/18/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
What can I say... It's Paradise.
Cool, clear, and low traffic.
The evenings out here on the ridge road are perfect.
Don't miss these great Monday, Wednesday, Friday rides.
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy from the Ridge road