JULY 2010
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2nd - 25 mi GRR MWF
4th - 77 mi 4th of July - Rode to Crystal lake - an early Death Ride
5th - 25 mi GRR MWF
7th - 25 mi GRR MWF
9th - 25 mi GRR MWF
10th - 75 mi My Birthday and another Death Ride
12th - 25 mi GRR MWF
14th - 25 mi GRR MWF
16th - 25 mi GRR MWF
17th - 45 mi Arcadia ~ LA ~ Arcadia
18th - 25 mi GRR
19th - 25 mi GRR MWF
21st - 25 mi GRR MWF
23rd - 25 mi GRR MWF
24th - 31 mi clmnt ~ SGRT ~ Clmnt
26th - 25 mi GRR MWF
28th - 25 mi GRR MWF
30th - 25 mi GRR MWF
31st - 25 mi Clmnt ~ Rancho ~ Clmnt
July 603 mi
June 366 mi
May 516 mi
Apr 437 mi
Mar 503 mi
Feb 355 mi
Jan 549 mi
YTD 3367 mi
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Friday 07/02/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/ Edge, B, and John L
YaHoo! A larger group today.
My friend John L from Steamboat Springs Colorado joined us for this evenings MWF.
Saw a large Redtail Hawk or a brown eagle too... not sure which.
Also saw a couple of other riders on the ridge this evening.
Patrick from Upland, he rides up the Baldy road, then GRR, and down GMR to Foothil and back to Upland.
An ambitious loop to say the least.
Speaking of ambitious loops we are planning on riding to Crystal lake
(Death Ride practice) on Sunday the 4th of July
and then the official Death Ride will be next week, on my B'day, Saturday the 10th.
Should be good times.
Well be starting at the junction of the Baldy Road and GRR at 6:30 Sunday morning!!
Hope to see you there!
Ride Your Bike
click for show
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Saturday 07/10/10

75 mi - The Death Ride w/B an John
B and I left at 5:30a to beat the heat.
John wasn't leaving until 6:00.
A very plesant spin and a little warmer than last weekend.
B an I arrived at the Coldbrook gate closure, I went right on through.
B was looking at the forest Service map of the area.
A CHP drove up, came over to him, and told him that no bicycles
were allowed past the gate.
The Patrolman proceded to hassle all other bicyclists that rode up.
John arrives at this time. Gets the same lecture...
John and B decide to ride down a ways and try to wait out the CHP.
The patrolman drives down, passes them, but stops and hangs a U, to watch up the road.
B ducks out of sight, John kept riding down.
I was almost at Crystal lake by now.
The happenings by the gate, below, unbeknownst to me.
I was wondering what had happened? Where is everybody?
I got to the top-turnaround and waited 30 minutes, then 45.
Hummm somthing must have gone wrong down the way.
Better go see. I ride down about half a mile, and see B riding up.
I turned around and rode back to the top with him, and heard the story I just related.
Jeeze, glad I missed that fiasco.
Anyway rested a while longer, then went down to finish the Death Ride.
Stopped at Camp Williams Cafe for refreshments.
2 more hill climbs still left on the way back.
It was getting warmer, the climb up from East Fork wasn't to bad.
But, the last climb, Reward, the noon sun was cooking by now, draining all energy out of ya.
I was determined. Home, food and a Birthday party were waiting.
Ride Your Bike
click for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Friday 07/09/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
A beautiful evening in Paradise.
Easy spin in prep for The Death Ride tomorrow.
We are planning on leaving from Baldy Village at 5 ~ 5:30am to beat the heat.
You know the drill - let me know if you are interested in riding. Bike@rayclone.com
Hope to see you here, or along the road.
Ride Your Bike
Louis Kopecky: Great pic's of the bear. How often does that happen? Beautiful county side and good friends make the experience worthwhile. Keep on keeping on. (07/08/10)
linda gomez: Quite a rider! Sounds like you're having fun. There are bears at Tahoe and we're very respectful of their right of way!!! (07/08/10)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Wednesday 07/07/10
25 mi easy spin w/Edge an B
Quiet evening, little traffic, good temperture.
Good ride, good friends.
Don't forget, The Death Ride will be happening this Saturday.
Help me celebrate my 62nd Birthday, Arghhhh...
We are planning on leaving Baldy at 6:00 am.
Be there or be square.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Monday 07/05/10

25 mi GRR MWF Just me, Slow easy spin
Nobody showed up to ride today after yesterdays Death Ride.
Paradise was Paradise. The road is still closed to motor vehicles.
Saw no other bike riders.
Rode to the shed, turned around and was riding back about 1/4 mi on GRR.
Was wondering if I'd see anything...
Shazam... Yogi shows up.
He was on the road and immediately went over the side.. I stopped, it was silent.
If he was moving I'd hear him. Got off the bike and laid it down, looked over the side. There he was. Started taking pictures of him.
He growled at me. I growled back and waved my arms.
He left... whew!!
Ride Your Bike
click for picture
A Ghostly Sub 19: 19) Saturday 07/31/10
25 mi Baseline w/B
Rode from Vons in clmnt East on Baseline to Etiwanda Ave.
By the Bass Pro Shop. Then rode back to Vons.
Nice day, fast, flat spin.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 18) Friday 07/30/10
25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
Medium spin.
Beautiful evening in Paradise.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Sunday July / 4 / 2010

77 mi - The Death Ride w/Edge, Bryan, John
Rode a week early. Didn't want to miss the closed to motor vehicles roads.
Will still ride next weekend on my B'day Sat. 10 July.
An absoultly Beautiful day.
Good temperture, good climb, good friends.
Saw some deer and some raven maniacs...
It was a perfect day, success for all.
Edge had a flat, a sharp rock through the sidewall.. Just past camp Williams.
He repaired it without a boot, inflated the tire.
The tube exploded out the hole in the sidewall.
Try 2... Bryan showed him how to use a folded dollar bill to boot the tire.
Good stuff, A successful repair.
Continued on the climb to Crystal, the decent, french fries at Camp Williams.
Then the climb up from East Fork and the last climb up Reward and home.
6 hours of riding and climbing 7168' today.
Ride your bike
click for photo album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 17) Wednesday 07/28/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Ron and Edge
Paradise was good.
Easy Spin this evening Cool, good climbing weather.
Met Matthew and saw Cheryl at the Monroe turn-around
Ride Your Bike
Edge, Cheryl, Matthew, Ron @ Monroe
A Ghostly Sub 19: 16) Monday 07/26/10
25 mi GRR MWF w/Ron and Edge
Beautiful evening in Paradise
Perfect temperture, good climbing
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 15) Saturday 07/24/10
31 mi w/B
Rode from Vons in Claremont to the San Gabriel River Trail.
Then back to Vons.
Easy spin, I had no energy today.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Friday 07/23/10
25 mi GRR MWF W/Edge
Nice evening in Paradise, hardly any traffic
3 cars, 2 bike riders, 1 motorcycle
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Wednesday 07/21/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Ron, Edge, And B
A Perfect evening .
Big group at Monroe, 8 Pirates in Paradise.
Bryan, Ron, Big Chris, Edge, Cheryl, Eric
Ride Your Bike
Bryan, Ron, Big Chris, Edge, Cheryl, Eric @ Monroe
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Monday 07/19/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Ron, Edge, and B
An absolute beautiful evening in Paradise.
4 Pirates out today, Good draft on the flats.
Saw 2 squished rattle snakes on the road.
Only a couple of cars out today.
Good Friends, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
Ron, Edge, B @ Monroe
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Sunday 07/18/10

25 mi GRR w/B and Garey
My friend Garey came up from down the hill, wanted to ride Bikes.
So I rounded up a Pirate to ride with us through the straits of Paradise.
A great ride on the ridge, warm, but not unpleasent.
Ride Your Bike
Garey and B enjoying a little shade at the shed
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Saturday 07/17/10
45 mi Arcadia ~ LA ~ Arcadia w/B
Rode from Arcadia to Griffith Park.
Through Griffith Park, then back to Arcadia.
Nice Day, Good ride.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Friday 07/16/10
25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge
Nice evening, not too hot.
Lite traffic, good spin.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Wednesday 07/14/10
25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge and Ron
Another great evening in paradise
A little warmer than Monday, about 85 at start
Met up with Matt, James, and Annette at the Shed
Ron rode up Baldy from Upland, out GRR and continued down GMR with Matt and crew.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Monday 07/12/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge and Ron
A great evening in Paradise.
Light traffic, Cool evening, Good friends.
A convergence of GRR and GMR.
Ride Your Bike
Edge, Tim, Chris, Ron, and Annette at Monroe