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2nd - 80 mi - Mt Baldy to Huntington Beach
4th - 25 mi - GRR MWF
5th - 11th R&R in Cabo San Lucas
13th - 25 mi GRR MWF
14th - 52 mi Mt Baldy ~ Glendora - Mt Baldy
16th - 25 mi GRR MWF
18th - 25 mi GRR MWF
20th - NR
21st - 25 mi Clmnt-Bonelli-Clmnt
23rd - 25 mi GRR MWF
25th - 25 mi GRR MWF
27th - 16 mi Beach Crusiers @ Huntington
28th - 70 mi Mt Baldy ~ GRR ~ GMR ~ SGRT ~ Santa Fe Dam ~ Reverse Return
30th - 25 mi GRR MWF
Aug 418 mi
July 603 mi
June 366 mi
May 516 mi
Apr 437 mi
Mar 503 mi
Feb 355 mi
Jan 549 mi
YTD 3785 mi
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Monday 08/02/10

80 mi Mountains to Ocean.
Left from Mt Baldy earlier in the day and and will miss the GRR MWF.
Rode GRR, GMR, East Fork, SR39, to SGRT.
SGRT to Long Beach, and Coast Hwy to Huntington Beach.
Great day, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
The spot on GRR I call 'Reward'
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Saturday 08/14/10

52 mi - A Ridge ride W/B
A absoultly beautiful day in Paradise.
Rode from the Mt Baldy Village out GRR down the front of GMR to Glendora, Grand and the 10 freeway.
Reversed route and rode back.
Met Chris and Rob on the return up GMR and GRR to the MB village.
Chris rides with the Sho-Air juniors.
Nice meeting you. Come ride a MWF ride at Mt Baldy any time.
Ride Your Bike
Chris, Rob, Bryan at a stop, in a precious little bit of shade along the Reward climb
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Friday 08/13/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/B and Edge
Great to be back in my own Paradise.
Perfect, crystal clear, cool weather.
Good friends, good climbing.
Saw a doe, a tarantula, and some bats out this evening.
And a blue and yellow Zlin 50 did a barrel roll for us.
Ride Your Bike
B and Edge on the climb out of the Village
a tarantula
The Moon, Venus, and 2 Bats
B: 8/11 MWF ride.
Was a few mins. late and chased all -out to catch Eddie at the 4 mi. marker.
Saw (1) car and (1) motorcycle.
The weather was perfect! About 75 and blue sky in the middle of Aug.
Go figure.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) R&R in another Paradise

Cascadas de Baja, Cabo San Lucas (08/08/10)
Brian Grimm: Never know who you'll meet in the mountains.
Thanks for a great ride! (08/05/10)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Wednesday 08/04/10

25 mi GRR MWF W/Edge, and crew
Met Bryan at the Village Post Office Asked him if he wanted to ride GRR with us.
Rode out with Edge, Rick, Bryan.
Saw Matt, Annette, Cheryl, and Ron at the Monroe saddle
Matt and Annette went back GMR.
Bryan and Cheryl went back by East Fork.
Edge, Ron, and I went back GRR and met up with Rick and B...
Gotta go on vacation, a little R&R in Cabo San Lucas
Back on Tuesday
Edge will be out for Friday & Monday MWF.. Don't let him get lazy...
Ride Your Bike
click for larger view
Matt: That is a monster Monday ride Ray!
You started the month of August on a big note. (08/03/10)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Monday 08/30/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/B, Edge, and John
Cool evening out, 63 degrees at start 57 at return.
Quite a change from last week.
Good ride, good climbing temp.
Ride Your Bike
Ken, B, Edge, John @ Monroe
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Saturday 08/28/10

70 mi w/B
Rode from Baldy Village out GRR, down GMR to the SGRT and to Santa Fe Dam.
Reversed and rode back to Mt Baldy.
Rode from the Village with Warren.
Nice to meet you Warren.
Saw a Pack of Coyotes on the ride back up GMR at mm 11.53.
Great day, cool, perfect temperture.
Ride Your Bike
B and Warren on GRR
Wiley Coyote looking for a handout on GMR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Wednesday 08/25/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/ John and Edge
Paradise was a pleasure this evening.
Not to hot, high 80's low 90's.
Good pedal turning weather.
Ride your Bike
John at Monroe
Red Sky at Night a sailors delight - Sunset on GRR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Monday 08/23/10

25 mi GRR MWF W/Edge
A Beautiful evening in Paradise
Saw to crew at the shed.
I feel like I'm seeing double...
Ya Hooie
Ride Your Bike
BTW - Tomorrow is the full moon
I'm going to ride down from Baldy @ 6:30P to GMR and Sierra Madre
for a 8:00 Full Moon Ride to Mt Baldy Village
Start 8:00p at the GMR gate
will be at the Baldy Village by 10:00p
E-mail me if you want to ride
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Saturday 08/21/10
25 mi w/B
Parked at Vons Clmnt Rode to Puddingstone
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Wednesday 08/18/10

25 mi GRR MWF w/Edge and John from Memphis Tn
Warm Evening in Paradise. Rode out fast spin.
Saw the gang out at the shed, Kent, Cheryl, Annette, Matt, Ron, and James.
Took an easy spin back and some pictures.
Saw a large Tarantula crusing down the road.
Rode back slow enough that it was dark when I returned.
It had cooled off nicely.
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Monday 08/16/10

25 mi GRR MWF fast spin w/B, an Edge
90 degrees at start, 76 at finish.
Just another Clear, Beautiful Evening in Paradise.
Saw the group at Monroe.
Edge, B, Ron, Annette, Matt, Eric, Tim, and Big Chris.
Ride Your Bike
Ridge Pirates at Monroe