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2nd -
3rd - 43 mi - MBV ~ Camp Williams ~ MBV
6th - 50 mi - Clmnt ~ Azusa ~ Clmnt
7th - 10 mi MBV ~ Reward ~ MBV
17th - 43 mi MBV ~ GMR/GRR ~ MBV
25th - 71 mi Thanksgiving MBV~ Glendora ~ Upland ~ Glendora ~ San Dimas ~ Claremont
26th - 28 mi Clmnt ~ Puddingstone x2 ~ Clmnt
29th - 45 mi Clmnt ~ Santa Fe Dam ~ Clmnt
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Tuesday 11/30/10
12 mi w/B
Paradise was cold with many ice patches on the road.
Just rode the flats and found several really slick spots.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Monday 11/29/10

45 mi w/B
Rode from Von's in Claremont.
West on Baseline/Foothill/Sierra Madre to Azusa Cyn (39) to the SGRT,
down around Santa Fe Dam.
Reversed the route back to Claremont
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy from the Santa Fe Dam
Foothill Blvd crossing the SGRT
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Friday 11/26/10
28 mi w/Gerry K
Rode from Von's Claremont to Puddingstone.
Rode around the lake twice then back.
A beautiful clear day
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Wednesday 11/17/10

43 mi
Took a break from the bike for the previous 10 days.
Took care of some home projects.
Rode from the Baldy Village down to Upland.
Rode the loop across Baseline to Glendora, GMR, GRR, and back home.
A beautiful cool day, got back after dark.
Rode the last 6 miles in a moon shadow, a Waxing Gibbous 90% full.
There were parts of a deer skeleton @ mm 7.26 on GMR.
Saw Ron just past Newmans on GMR.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Sunday 11/7/10
10 mi w/B
Rode GRR to Reward and Back
Weather cooling down..
Rain tomorrow
Today was the end of Daylight Saving
The MWF officially ends
But, Will keep riding it as long the road is not snowy and it is above 40 degrees
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Wednesday 11/03/10

43 mi w/Ron and B.
I spent the morning making sure that B's bike would work.
Drug him out and made him ride 12 miles with his broken back.
His first ride since the accident 6 weeks ago ~~~ he kicked our asses.
Rode out to the scene of the crime.
Saw several Tarantulas, 2 Rattle Snakes, and several Alligator Lizards.
A beautiful day in Paradise.
Ron and I Rode down to Camp Williams and back.
Ride your Bike
YaHooie ~ Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Thanksgiving 11/25/10

71 mi A great day!
Rode from the Baldy Village out GRR to the maint shack on GMR.
Hardly anyone on the road for this icebox stretch.
But at the shack there were more than 16 riders.
Saw Matt and Annette there, the pictured group and others.
Rode down GMR w/M&A and saw Ron & Dixie on their tandem.
M&A had Thanksgiving duties to attend to.
Rode back up GMR a couple of miles w/Ron & Dixie, then back to Upland.
Euclid & 24th with R&D. Always a good draft behind a tandem.
Took a short break at Ron's house. then rode back baseline to Amilia in Glendora
then down to and around Puddingstone and back to Claremont.
I was just starting to ride up the Baldy road when my Daughter and BF
coming up for Thanksgiving intercepted and gave me a ride home.
That last 6 mi up is a killer and I welcomed the ride.
A Great Thanksgiving day, Good friends, Good times, Good ride.
YaHooie Happy Thanksgiving
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Saturday 11/06/10

50 mi w/B
Rode from Claremont Soccer park (North Padua Ave)
West on Baseline/Foothill/Sierra Madre to Azusa Cyn (39)
Taco's at PePe's >> Yum
Down around Santa Fe Dam
Return to Claremont via Arrow Hwy
Beautiful day 80's
Ride Your Bike
B @ Santa Fe Dam