| RK | | AUG | | 2009 | |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
30 | 31 |
3rd MWF - vac nr
5th MWF - vac nr
7th MWF - 25
8th - - - 76 miles- Mt Baldy - Arcadia - Mt Baldy
10th MWF - 25
12th MWF - 25
14th MWF - 25
15th - - - 117 miles - The Death Ride Plus
17th MWF- 25
19th MWF- 25
21st MWF - 25
22nd - - - 41 miles - Newhall - Camp 9- Newhall
24th MWF- 25
26th MWF- nr GRR closed
28th MWF - 10miles - Switchbacks
29th - - - 60 miles - Claremont - Fontana - LaVerne - Claremont
31st MWF - 10 miles - Ice House & Burma
Aug 514 mi
July 504 mi
Jun 513 mi
May 651 mi
Apr 406 mi
Mar 472 mi
Feb 191 mi
Jan 173 mi
YTD 3424 mi
Someuseful links:
Howto calculate Angle and Grade
HeartRate Chart
Real Time Temperature fromBaldy Notch to Montclair
MtBaldy area - NWS WX forcast
Glendora Mountain Road
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Friday Aug 21 MWF Ride
Another beautiful evening, the temp was cool, a bit of overcast.
Rode with Edge and Patrick. Easy spin this evening.
Saw at least 5 tarantulas, looks like they have started their annual migration.
The days have been getting shorter. Lots of bats in the air. The sunset was one of the orange cracks between the earth and the sky, a beauty.
While riding I think "It can't get much better than this" but some how it always does.. Fun stuff.
The other day, I was calculating the years and number of miles I have ridden on GRR and came up with 27 years. At 3 times a week during daylight saving time (Mar-Nov) and at 25 miles a shot, that total would be 67,500 miles on this road training ride.
I did miss a few years, maybe 5 or so... but that total still comes to 55,000 miles.
And this does not count the Sat and Sundays when I ride the long rides.
I have worn out 3 bikes, this is the 4th I'm riding now...
that thought made me tired ...
As usual Ride your Bike... come ride with me.
The days and time havn't changed, Monday, Wednesday, Friday starting at the
Mt Baldy Road and the Glendora Ridge Road, 5:30pm till about 7:30pm.
Hope to see YOU out here.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Saturday Aug 15, 2009
Rode the Death Ride Plus.
This is 117 miles Around the San Gabriels.
Started at 8:20am from the Mt Baldy Village with/B.
We rode down to Upland,
East to Etiwanda,
North to Lytle creek rd,
East to Glen Helen,
North through Devore,
West to Old US 66,
Exit at Cleghorn Rd and then North on the 15 fwy to the 138 --------------- (mile 42)
West 8 mi on 138 to Angles Crest Hwy (Hwy 2) ----------------------------- (mile 50)
25 mi on Hwy 2 through Wrightwood, Big Pines, Dawson Saddle to hwy 39 - (mile 75)
South 20 mi on Hwy 39 (Azusa Canyon) to the East Fork Rd ---------------- (mile 95)
5 mi East to GMR ------------------------------------------------------------- (mile 100)
5 mi up GMR to GRR --------------------------------------------------------- (mile 105)
12 miles on GRR to Mt Baldy Village start ---------------------------------- (mile 117 end)
Ride time 8 hrs 45 minutes / Stopped time 3 hrs 15 min.
Total time 12 hrs
(last year ride time was 10 hrs, and total was 12 hrs)
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Sautrday 08/22 Rode 41mi with the Newhall Bicycle Company.
We rode from the Shop in Newhall out Bouquet Cyn Rd to Soledad Cyn Rd
to Sand Cyn Rd, then up to Camp 9. Got water, turned around, and back Sand Cyn
To Placerita Cyn Rd and back to the shop.
It was Rogers Birthday (owner of shop) We celebrated with a cupcake and burritos.
A great day and ride. About 20 riders and some good climbing.
Light sprinkles in the morning kept the ride cool.
Ride Your Bike
Major Tom: 8) 08/28 Friday GRR still closed.
Rode from the Village, up the Baldy Rd to the Ski Lifts w/Edge.
MBV to End of Rd 4.83 miles 2257' climb.
'Ground Control to Major Tom'
'Reverse your engines and FLY down'
Yow, Be Careful 48mph is easy.
10-4 Ellenor .... Ride Your Bike.
Rise (2257') divided by Run (25502.4') equal 0.088501474371039588430892778718866
rounds out to about 9% average grade
sign at the end, says the last hill is 15%
topo program calcs the total at 14% average
umm, steep.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Monday - MWF ride No Pirates today.
Just a "Rocket man burning out his fuse out here alone".
Rode an 'easy' spin, it was a absolutely beautiful clear evening.
Saw three tarantulas, two deer, and one lone mountain biker that had
come up the Monroe truck trail wondering where he was.
Gave him water and sent him down the GMR way.
Ride Your Bike!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Saturday, Aug 8, rode 76 miles w/B.
Rode from Mt Baldy Village on GRR to GMR
and down to Glendora/Sierra Madre Ave.
Intercepted the Montrose group and rode from
St Lucys Priory to the end on Baldwin and Sierra Madre.
Ate brunch and rode back to Mt Baldy via GMR and GRR
As usual another great day in paradise!
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Saturday 8/29 rode 60 mi. with B.
Rode from Claremont to Sierra in Fontana up Sierra to Banyon and rode Banyon,
to 19th, to Foothill, to Arrow, to La Verne and around Bonelli Lake.
Then back to Claremont.
Good Morning ride, Medium spin.
Ride Your Bike!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) They Have Closed GRR
No ride today.
The wind has turned, and is blowing the smoke back up the canyon.
From the Morris Dam Fire.
The air is very smokey, stinky.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Monday MWF - GRR still closed.
Quite a bit of smoke up here.
Rode 10 mi w/B. Went from the Village up to Ice House Cyn.
Then back to the Village and up the climb out of the Village on GRR.
Short ride, too much smoke in the air.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) 08/29 Saturday 6:00am be ready.
I'll be a B's @ 5:30a
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Wednesday MWF ride
Another Beautiful day in Paradise. Rode a 1:43 w/Josh.
Saw a doe with 2 fawns, and a tarantula.
Weather was cool, an even 70 start to end. This has been a cool month so far.
oh Yeah, Ride Your Bike!