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2nd - 41 mi - clmnt ~ Santa Fe dam ~ Clmnt
4th - 25 mi - GRR / MWF
7th - 17 mi - GRR Reward climb
12th - 75 mi - Clmnt ~ Santa Fe dam ~ Redlands
14th - 12 mi - MBV -GRR
19th - 41 mi - Clmnt ~ Santa Fe dam ~ Clmnt
22nd -16 mi - GRR road clear of snow, but cold
Feb 227
Jan 327
YTD 554
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Wednesday 02/02/11

41 mi w/Gerry K
Rode from Von's Claremont to Santa Fe Dam
Rode across the dam then back.
A beautiful clear day
Ride Your Bike
Santa Fe dam recreation area : Gerry w/new bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Tuesday 02/22/11

16 mi midday ride on GRR
The ridge road is clear to the Baldy Village, although it is a very cold ride,
and you need to be cautious of ice, Paradise is good!
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Sunday 02/20/11

0 mi
No ride today lots of snow
a couple of pictures
Get ready to Ride Your Bike
in the back yard
on Glendora Ridge Road at sunset
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Saturday 02/19/11
Stopped at Pepe's Tacos on the way back (39 & Sierra Madre)
Yum good stuff, highly recommended for hungry riders.
Fast spin on the way back to keep ahead of the rain.
Was putting the bike on the Jeep when it started to rain hard.
Snow in the Baldy Village when we returned.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Monday 02/14/11
Short ride - 12 mi
Saw team Jelly Belly vehicles parked at the junction of Mt Baldy road and GRR.
Rode out to see where they were.
Found them on way back to Baldy at the big turn 6 miles from Village.
Rode back to Baldy behind them.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Saturday 02/12/11
75 mi
Started in Claremont.
Rode to Santa Fe Dam, saw Matt on the way.
Turned around at the dam and rode to downtown Redlands.
Met My daughter there and got a ride back to Claremont
Interesting day, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Monday 02/07/11
17 mi
A little short on time today, this beautiful clear Monday.
Rode out GRR midday and did the reward climb back to the village.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Friday 02/04/11

24 mi
Paradise was beautiful and clear.
Rode the MWF route.
Met Mr Beanz & Gordon at the fork turnaround.
They had just riden from the mt Baldy Village.
Nice meeting you!
Ride your Bike
GRR ~ Mt Baldy ~ Mr. Beanz & Gordon
GMR: Ray, You biked up that snow covered road? Dude, you are the man! Awesome picture. I will have to remember this come July. GMR (03/05/11)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Saturday 02/26/11
The GRR is closed.
There is a s#it load of snow again.