June 2011
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3rd - 20 mi MWF/GRR
4th - 37 mi MBV ~ Camp Williams ~ MBV
6th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
8th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
13th - 30 mi MBV ~ Newmans Pt ~ MBV
15th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
17th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
20th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
22nd- 34 mi MWF/GRR/GMR~priceless
23rd- 10 mi Mountain bikes/ Sunset peak trail
26th- 52 mi GRR~GMR~Sierra Madre to SR39~Return
27th- 25 mi MWF/GRR
29th- 25 mi MWF/GRR
30th- 60 mi Corona~Lake Elsinore~Ortega Hwy~Return
June 443
May 383
Apr 345
Mar 630
Feb 227
Jan 327
YTD 2355
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Wednesday 06/01/11

25 mi MWF/GRR
A slow spin through paradise.
The wild flowers at this time of the year are, are... knock your eyes out beautiful.
Saw a doe and 2 fawns.
Ride Your Bike
Flowers in Paradise
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Friday 06/17/11

25 mi MWF/GRR w/Edge
Another great evening in Paradise.
2 cars, 2 bicycle riders.
Ride Your Bike
Edge at the maint shack / Reward
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Wednesday 06/15/11

25 mi MWF/GRR w/Edge and Alan
Absoulte stunning evening in Paradise.
Saw a 4.5 ft gopher snake near the top of Reward on the way out.
Just above Peacock Saddle a CHP stopped us going down, and on the way back up.
There was a film crew doing a car commercial. We have no idea what kind of car...
The CHP stopped us each way so the crew could cover the car before anybody went by..
Mystery car...
Anyway saw Matt and Ron at Monroe Saddle.. MIA was missing..
Couldn't talk Edge into riding down to Newmans, so we started our return there.
It was a fast spin back to the Village.
Ride Your Bike
Edge, Ron, Matt, Alan
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Monday 06/13/11

30 mi Baldy Village ~ Newmans Pt ~ Baldy Village
A beautiful evening in Paradise.
Went out looking for some of the regulars.
Rode the MWF... nobody at the top of Monroe...
Continued to the Maint Shed... nobody there...
Continued to Newmans Point... Same result... Hummm...
Returned to Baldy.
Ships passing in the night.
Ride Your Bike
Newmans Point
Mt Baldy w/Alpen glow at top
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Wednesday 06/08/11

25 mi w/Edge
A foggy evening in paradise
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Monday 06/06/11

25 mi GRR/MWF
Another Beautiful Evening in Paradise
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy / Glendora Ridge Road
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Saturday 06/04/11

37 mi w/B and Edge
Beautiful Sunny Saturday in Paradise.
After the Annual Pancake Breakfast in the Baldy Village,
B, Edge and I rode from the Village down to Camp Williams.
Met Laura while at Camp Williams, It was nice meeting you.
Come ride with us sometime.
After a quick lunch we rode back to the Village,
It was good climb, lots of pancakes to burn off...
There were a lot of bike riders out today.
Had hopes of seeing some of the regulars, but they were... ummm..
Missing in Action..... That would be MIA.
YaHooie... New Jerseys
Ride Your Bike
A beautiful day in Paradise
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Friday 06/03/11

20 mi w/Alan MWF/GRR
Paradise was great this evening, but I had to cut the Friday ride short.
The Ridge Rider jerseys came in and I needed to get down to FedEx at Ontario airport to pick them up before they closed at 7:30p.
YaHooie... New Jerseys
Ride Your Bike
Ridge Rider Jersey
A Ghostly Sub 19: 15) Thursday 06/30/11

60 mi w/Alan
Rode from Corona to Lake Elsinore.
Then up the Ortega Hwy to the Lookout Road House.
An adventure!
There are a lot of glass monsters in Corona. I got a flat 3 mi into the ride.
We rode on Temescal Canyon rd to Elsinore.
Alan was trying to dodge a marker in the road 22 miles out and swerved and went down.
Yow! Road Rash... Ouch!
He was OK, as was his bike, so we continued after a short stop.
Anyway the Ortega Hwy is a good climb, and lots of fast traffic...
With no sholder, be careful here.
The Lookout Road House is a great place to stop for lunch.
Good food, good service.
The trip back was eventful also, Alan had a flat on the Ortega Hwy.
And it was over 100 degrees on the way back to Corona.
Dont be scared..
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Wednesday 06/29/11

25 mi w/Edge
A beautiful clear evening in Paradise
Saw a large rattle snake along the road.
Watch where ya
Ride your Bike
Mt Baldy
Pacific Rattle Snake
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Monday 06/27/11

25 mi w/B, Chris, and Ian
Fast spin, Good climbing weather.
Another great day in Paradise.
Ride Your Bike
B, Ian, Chris at Monroe Saddle
Ontario Ridge
Chris , Ian, and B at the top of Burma
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Sunday 06/26/11

52 mi w/B
Rode GRR, GMR(front side) to Sierra Madre to Pepe's on hwy 39.
Got tacos for lunch, but then could not find B... ?
Looked around in the usual places we eat... still didn't see him.
So I started riding back.... Made B chase me for his lunch..
He caught up with me about 5 miles up GMR,
complaining that he had been chasing me the last 10 miles...
I said it couldn't have been a fast chase as I had stopped several times...
to eat a taco or 4 along the way.
Anyway the rest of the ride was good, as were the rest of the tacos.
Ride Your Bike
Pepe's Sierra Madre & SR 39
Stopped here and ate 3 tacos still wondering where B was?
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Thursday 06/23/11

10 mi w/Marty, Karen, Michael, and Gary.
Rode Mountain Bikes on the Sunset Peak trail.
Nice afternoon, saw a Rosy Boa on the trail.
Good time, Good friends.
Ride Your Bike
Click image for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Wednesday 06/22/11

34 mi Burn'in down the fuse out here alone... kinda..
Rode from the Baldy Village to the spot on GMR called priceless.
3 others had said that they were going to ride tonite... Only regrets for them.
Paradise was an adventure this day after solstice evening.
Saw 2 rattle snakes, one was having a squirrel for dinner.
The other just crossing the road.
Then after turning around, and on the way back up saw pappa bear.
He was cruising up the road before Newmans Point.
I had to pedal faster to keep up with him.
Saw a Gopher snake, and then 4 deer near the Baldy Village.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Monday 06/20/11

25 mi MWF/GRR w/B and Gary
B had to change a tire before riding.
So after a late start at 6:20 it was a nice evening in Paradise.
Saw several fawns and a doe at different locations on the ride.
Be cautious of these creatures... they will run out in front of you.
Ride Your Bike
Gary and B at the Maint Shack turnaround