RK |
2011 |
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2nd -
3rd - 25 mi MWF/GRR
12th - 70 mi Huntington Beach ~SGRT~GMR~GRR~Baldy
15th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
17th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
19th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
21st - 75 mi Corona~SART~Huntington Beach and back
22nd- 25 mi MWF/GRR
24th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
26th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
29th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
31st - 25 mi MWF?GRR
Aug 370
July 440
June 443
May 383
Apr 345
Mar 630
Feb 227
Jan 327
YTD 3165
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Wednesday 08/03/11

25 mi w/Edge, B, and Alan
Just a wonderful evening in Paradise.
Cool, Crisp, Clean air, little traffic.
Good friends, this the Death Ride Group finishing group.
Saw A doe and 2 fawns.
Ride Your Bike
Alan, RK, B
Edge, Alan, B
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Sunday 08/21/11

75 mi w/Alan and Garry
Rode from Corona to Huntington Beach and Back.
Beautiful day.
Saw Beanz and Gina at Huntington.
Nice seeing you.
Check out his site Mr. Beanz and His Bike Rides.
Ride Your Bike
Gina and Beanz @ Huntington Beach / Santa Ana River Trail
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Friday 08/19/11

25 mi MWF/GRR
Slow spin through Paradise.
Little traffic, a very nice evening.
Ride Your Bike
Just me and my shadow
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Wednesday 08/17/11

25 mi w/Rick, Edge, B, and Alan
Medium to Fast spin.
Yo Pirates, another beautiful 75 degree evening in Paradise.
Don't let another year go by without riding one of these evenings in Paradise...
There isn't much better than this.....
Ride Your Bike
Pirates - Alan, Rick, RayClone, B, and Edge
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Monday 08/15/11

25 mi w/Edge and Rick
A beautiful 70 degree evening in Paradise.
Saw a few lizards, a tarantula, a rattle snake, and 3 deer.
Missed the picture of the snake.. it slithered away by the time I had turned around.
Got the rest of the critters though...
Ride Your Bike
Critters Edge & Rick
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Friday 08/12/11

70 mi
Dropped a car off at Huntington Beach, then rode my bike home.
Got a late start, left Huntington at 4:15p
Rode up the San Gabriel River Trail.
Ate dinner at Pepe's Tacos @ 6:45 after getting off the bike trail.
Pepe's is at the 39 and Sierra Madre in Azusa, Yum good food.
Got to the Glendora Mountain Road in time for a moonlight ride home to Baldy.
Very little traffic on the ride up GMR/GRR.
Absolute Paradise.
Ride Your Bike
San Gabriel River Trail
Rode GMR/GRR in a moon shadow (08/13/11)
A Ghostly Sub 19: Hey FYI: I'll be down in Cabo for a week 08/05~10/2011

You swabs need to drop your coxs and grab your socks and ride your bikes..
When I get back we are going to celebrate B's Birthday and ride a hun.
(don't get excited it's not Attila)
I'll be back on Aug 11th
Be Ready!
Stay tuned
Club Cascadas De Baja
Camino Viejo a San Jose, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, 23410, Mexico
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Wednesday 08/31/11

25 mi W/Edge and Alan
Much cooler this evening 70 ~ 66
Fast spin ~ 1:42 pedal time.
A couple of groups of cyclists on the road this evening.
4 from the GMR side and 2 from the GRR side
Ride Your Bike
Steve and Chris from Baldy
Kelly, Mike, Dave, Dennis rode up GMR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Monday 08/29/11

25 mi w/ Edge and B
Another great evening in Paradise
It was 90 degrees when we left the village, and 75 when we returned.
Saw Matt on the Monroe climb, he was stopped looking at a rattle snake.
It was hidden in the bushes, but was buzzing like crazy the whole time we talked.
We continued up to the Maint shack, then back to the Monroe turnaround.
The climb up Reward this evening was good.
Ride Your Bike
RayClone, Edge, B, and Matt at the Monroe turnaround
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Friday 08/26/11

25 mi
Ride Your Bike
click picture for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Wednesday 08/24/11

25 mi w/Alan and Edge
Another great evening in Paradise, nice temp, not hot.
The days are getting shorter, sigh... Don't miss these great evening bike rides.
Saw bats and spiders (tarantulas) this evening.
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy/GRR
Edge and Alan
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Monday 08/22/11

25 mi w/Edge
It cooled off nicely this evening... A 70 degree cruise through Paradise.
I flatted at the beginning of the ride, just before the reward decent.
Other than that a great evening with no cars on the road.
Ride Your Bike
Edge at the Maint shack turnaround