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2nd - 25 mi MWF/GRR
7th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
9th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
11th - 75 mi Corona~Lake Forest~Corona
14th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
16th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
19th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
21st - 25 mi MWF/GRR
23rd- 25 mi MWF/GRR
26th- 25 mi MWF/GRR
28th- 25 mi MWF/GRR
30th- 25 mi MWF/GRR
Sept 350
Aug 370
July 440
June 443
May 383
Apr 345
Mar 630
Feb 227
Jan 327
YTD 3515
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Friday 09/09/11

25 mi MWF/GRR
Beautiful cool evening in Paradise.
No cars on road until the way back,
Near Peacock saddle Ronald and Cheryl were getting a wedding picture taken.
There was nearly a full moon tonight.
Rode the last portion with a moon shadow.
Ride Your Bike
Turnaround at the maint shack
Iron Mtn, Mt Baldy Ridge / Sunset GRR
Ronald & Cheryl Wedding picture
Sunset GRR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Friday 09/16/11

25 mi w/B
Fast spin.
Quiet evening in Paradise.
Ride Your Bike
B on GRR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Wednesday 09/14/11

25 mi w/Alan
Got a late start this evening 5:50
Saw 8 deer and a few spiders crawling the road.
It was on the edge of darkness at the Monroe turnaround.
And was dark on the ride back to MBV.
Although dark it was a nice ride through Paradise.
Better bring a light next time.. (or start earlier).
Ride Your Bike
GRRR ... Creatures on the edge of darkness
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Sunday 09/11/11

75 mi w/Alan
Rode from Corona down the SART to Imperial hwy,
then took Imperial to Santiago Cyn.
Rode Santiago to Cooks Corner in Lake Forest.
Was planning on getting a bite to eat at Cooks Corner....
But.... there was close to 3000 motor cycle riders there...
They were having a 9-11 Memorial run from Cooks to Long Beach.
Found a less crowded place to eat in Lake Forest.
Flatted twice on the way down, both times from goats head thorns... Arghhh
Ride back to Corona was uneventful.
Anyway great day, great ride, good road.
Ride Your Bike
a few motors @ Cooks
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Wednesday 09/07/11

25 mi w/Alan and Edge
Not too hot, medium spin, a great evening in Paradise.
Saw a fox and a couple of tarantulas.
Great ride.
Ride Your Bike
Tres Amigos @ Monroe
Sunset from GRR
RayClone: 3)Sunday~Monday 09/4~5/11

Monday - The RTTT (Run To The Top) was canceled about an hour into the race.
The Forest and Sherrif's determined that there was too much lightning danger.
Anyway.... back to Sunday before...
I hiked up around 2:00p on Sunday 09/04/11 to spend the night on top.
It was a bit cloudy and a couple of showers as I drove up to the top of lift #4.
Nothing horrible, it was stopped and clear at top of the ski lift.
The hike up to where I was going to camp was uneventful.
Saw some friends camping about 200 yards below where I was.
They set up a nice camp, although they had no tent.
I set up my spot, I use a solo biv tent, it has a rain, wind fly.
Everything in my camp was on and secure.
I hiked around the top and down to to the lift without the 40# pack I had taken up.
30# was my stuff and 10# the Clocks and Radios for the run tomorrow.
It was a beautiful evening, good pictures, a couple of micro showers, all good.
There were both clouds and clear sky with stars, and a few more quick showers,
and some lightning somewhere north.
I turned in at 10:00p.
At 3:00am all hell broke loose... The sky opened with a loud crash.
A thunder, lightning, wind, rain storm, and temperatures of 40 degrees outside.
There was so much rain, lightning, and thunder. I wasn't going to stick my head out.
It was nice, dry and warm in the tent, although scary because of the lightning
striking all around.
I stayed awake, cooked coffee and breakfast in the tent.
There were several of these storms before 6:00am, and the lightning had stopped.
The rest of the RTTT crew was showing up about 6:45~7:00
By 7:00 it had cleared and we were ready for a race.
Made contact with the start crew and there was a successful 8:00am start.
The clocks were running. Around 8:30 we heard that the race might be canceled.
At 9:00 before the first runners make the top, we got word that it was canceled,
and about 100 had started and were running before cancellation.
We, the top crew, decided to stay and time the few that would be at the top.
At 11:30, 200+ had finished, and were happy to get run times.
We got word to close it down, the sheriff had to sweep the hill.
BTW: there was no lightning or rain after 6:00a.
Life Is Good
Time to ride bikes again.
Sunday - A rainbow over the Devil's Backbone - click picture for album
RayClone: 2) Sunday & Monday 4-5/09/11 Labor Day

I will not be riding Monday Evening
I do the timing on the Mt Baldy Run To The Top
I am Hiking up Mt Baldy on Sunday, around noon.
I spend the night at the top, wake to do the timing on Monday.
Then hike down Monday afternoon.
I've been doing this the past 20+ years.
This is another slice of the Paradise pie.
Life is Good
Mt Baldy Run To The Top
Sunrise is @ 06:18
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Friday 09/30/11

25 mi MWF/GRR slow spin
Lots of people and critters out on this beautiful evening in Paradise.
Saw 5 cyclist riding toward Baldy and cars with people cruising GRR.
Saw several deer, a few tarantulas,bats, lizards and a small snake.
The crack between the earth and the sky was spectacular this evening.
Clear blue and orange sky with light rain.
The Rainbow from the top of Mt San Antonio (Baldy).
Red sky at night a Ridge Riders delight.
Ride Your Bike
Baldy panorama (click image for album)
crack between earth and sky (click image for album)
There is a pot of gold at the top (click image for album)
Red sky at night a Ridge Riders delight (click image for album) (09/30/11)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Wednesday 09/28/11

25 mi w/Alan
Fast spin, a beautiful evening in Paradise.
Started early at 16:50 so we would get back before dark.
Ride Your Bike
RayClone and Alan at GMR maint shed
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Monday 09/26/11

25 mi
Where is everybody?
Another very quiet evening on the ridge.
Saw the usual critters... Deer, Tarantulas, Lizards, A Snake, and Birds
YaHooie GRRR
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Friday 09/23/11

25 mi
A slow spin through Paradise.
Ride Your Bike
GRR Panorama
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Wednesday 09/21/11

25 mi
Another one of those beautiful, quiet evenings in Paradise.
No cars on the road, but a lot of tarantulas out cruising, and a few bats.
Was sitting at the maint shed turnaround, and saw a couple of cyclists ride up GMR.
Greg and Shawn were riding up from Glendora.
It is getting dark by 7:30 now.
Every 5 minutes spent resting at the maint shed
is another mile of darkness at the end of the ride.
Good I had a light, the last 3 miles were in the dark.
Ride Your Bike
Greg and Shawn at the maint shed
Purple Mountains Majesty
Eight Legged Cruiser
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Monday 09/19/11

25 mi
Beautiful evening in Paradise
Met Ron and Matt at the Monroe turnaround.
It was good to see Ron back on the road.
It is getting dark early, a light is a good thing.
Ride Your Bike
Matt, Ron, Rayclone
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Friday 09/02/11

25 mi w/Edge
Slow spin, lots of traffic on GRR this evening.
Saw 5 Tarantulas and several deer.
It is getting dark by 8:00p.
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy & a couple of 8 legged cruisers