RK |
2011 |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
1 |
2 |
3 | 4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | 8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 |
28 | 29 |
30 |
31 |
2nd -
3rd - 25 mi MWF/GRR
5th - Rain Day
7th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
8th - 10 mi GRR
9th - 106 mi Clmnt~Huntington Beach~Claremont
14th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
16th - 60 mi Clmnt~Whittier Narrows~Clmnt
17th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
19th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
21st - 25 mi MWF/GRR
23rd- 112 mi Newhall~Lynnwood~Newhall w/NBC
24th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
26th - 25 mi MWF/GRR
28th - 22 mi 4x around Westlake
29th - 45 mi Newhall~Little Tujunga Cyn~Newhall
30th - 30 mi Westlake~Lake Sherwood~Hidden Valley~Conejo~T.O.~Westlake
31st - 25 mi Halloween GRRRRRR
Oct 610
Sept 350
Aug 370
July 440
June 443
May 383
Apr 345
Mar 630
Feb 227
Jan 327
YTD 4125
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Sunday 10/16/11

60 mi
Rode from Claremont to Whittier Narrows and back.
Took Baseline, Sierra Madre, SGRT to the Narrows.
Returned the reverse of the same route.
Stopped for some yummy tacos at Pepe's on the way back.
Ride Your Bike
Flood Gates at Whittier Narrows
Motors that control flood gates
A ground squirrel that thought I was going to feed him
BB: I overheard some trick or treaters say they got nothing at the K/D residence. I offered some ideas as to a suitable trick.... (11/02/11)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Friday 10/14/11
25 mi MWF/GRR
Took Mon and Wed off.
A Beautiful Friday on the GRR.
There were a lot of hunters out looking for Bambi.
Saw a few spiders and lizards on the road, and got stung by a wasp, ouch!
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Sunday 10/09/11

106 mi w/Alan
A Beautiful day down to the beach and back.
Rode from Von's in Claremont across Baseline, Foothill, Sierra Madre to the SGRT.
Down the SGRT to Seal Beach, PCH to Huntington Beach.
Ate lunch in HB
Saw Beanz, Gina and crew in Huntington Beach just befor getting on the SART
to ride home. Mr Beanz and his Bike Rides
Got off the SART at the Big A and rode through Fullerton, Brea, Brea Cyn,
Diamond Bar, Pomona, Claremont and back to Von's.
Ride Your Bike
Beanz and crew at the HB hangout
The Big A
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Saturday 10/08/11

10 mi w/B
Rode the flats between the Village and Reward.
Slow spin pedal turner.
Going to ride 100 tomorrow.
To Huntington Beach and back.
Start and Finish at Von's in Claremont.
Baseline and Mills to SGRT, PCH to HB,
and back up SART, Brea Cyn, Pomona, to Clmnt.
If your interested be at Von's at 8:30.
Ride Your Bike
B at Cow Canyon saddle
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Friday 10/07/11
25 mi MWF/GRR
Beautiful blue skies in Paradise.
Very quiet on the road.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Wednesday 10/05/11
Rain Day
Waiting for blue skies.
A Very Ghostly Sub 19: 17) Monday HALLOWEEN 10/31/11
25 mi MWF/GRR
A very DEAD road tonight
No Trick or Treaters, a couple of Spiders.
A Beautifully Spooky Halloween evening.
The moon was a waxing crescent.
Left a treat at the maintenence Shed.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 16) Sunday 10/30/11

30 mi slow spin
Rode Westlake to lake Sherwood, Hidden Valley, Conejo,
Thousand Oaks and back to Westlake.
Beautiful day
Ride Your Bike
Lake Sherwood Hidden Valley
A Ghostly Sub 19: 15) Saturday 10/29/11

45 mi w/The Newhall Bicycle Co
Rode north from the shop on the bike path to Sand Cyn.
Sand Cyn to Little Tujunga Cyn.
Up and across Tujunga Cyn and down to Foothill Blvd.
Foothill to the Newhall Pass, and back to the shop.
About 4000 ft of climbing, Good friends, good fun.
Ride Your Bike
click picture for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Friday 10/28/11
22 mi w/Sarah
Got my daughter Sarah a new Bianchi Cortina hybrid.
Great deal & great service
Newhall Bicycle Co.
24261 Main St.
Newhall Ca
We rode 4 times around the lake here in Westlake Village.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Wednesday 10/26/11
25 mi w/Alan and B MWF/GRR
Started with Alan and B and rode the the maint shack turnaround.
I saw Matt riding up GMR.
I went back to Monroe saddle to wait for Matt, where B and alan had stopped.
B and Alan left as I rode up, I stayed and talked with Matt.
Got back just before dark.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: B, Ya left after me... ya didn't ride to the normal turnaround.... Ya got back just before me... Ships in the night (10/25/11)
Bb: Rode mwf by myself. Didn't see ya. Finished in the dark. (10/25/11)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Monday 10/24/11
25 mi MWF/GRR slow spin.
A quiet road tonight.
Cool evening, It had rained lightly earlier today.
Nice sunset.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Sunday 10/23/11

112 mi w/The Newhall Bicycle Company 10 riders
This was supposed to be the annual 150 mi ride,
But due to some changes it was 112 mi.
We left Newhall and went south through the Newhall Pass.
Down to Griffith Park and on to the LA River Trail.
Took the LART south to the intersetion on the Rio Hondo River Trail.
Took the RHRT north and exited near El Monte then north, up Santa Anita Ave
through Arcadia and then Baldwin Ave to Sierra Madre.
Ate Lunch at Lucky Baldwins Delirum Cafe in Sierra Madre.
Took Sierra Madre Blvd, New York Ave, and Foothill Blvd back to the Newhall Pass.
A Great ride, lots of fun and friends.
There was one minor crash..
Jorge got caught up crossing some RR tracks,
one spot of road rash, and a bent derailluer, all OK, he continued riding.
Ride Your Bike
The Route
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Friday 10/21/11
25 mi MWF/GRR
Went out early to get home before dark.
Nice evening and even cooler than Mon. or Wed. Starting to feel like winter.
There were a lot of alligator lizards on the road tonight.
Took an easy spin, going for a big ride on Sunday.
Going to ride 150 mi from Newhall to Seal beach and return to Newhall.
Anyone interested riding with the Newhall Bicycle Company on this epic ride.
Be at the bike shop @ 6:00am Sunday
24261 1/2 Main Street
Newhall, CA. 91321
(661) 284-6187
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Wednesday 10/19/11
25 mi w/B and Alan
Went out early at 4:30.
A beautiful day, cooler that Monday.
Lots of hunters still looking for Bambi.
Ride Your Bike
A TGhostly Sub 19: 1) Monday 10/3/11
25 mi MWF/GRR
A cool evening ride, temp in the 50's.
It was very quiet out here compared to last Friday.
Saw 1 Tarantula, 1 cyclist, and a couple of cars.
The moon is at a waxing cresent 50% this evening.
The full moon is Oct 11, watch out for Loup-Garou.
Be scared...
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Monday 10/17/11

25 mi
Started with B, he rode to the corner where he broke his back.
I continued to the maintenence shed.
Saw Matt and talked for awhile.
Stayed a bit long and rode most of the return climb in the dark.
Ride Your Bike
Matt and Rayclone at the maint shed
Another sunset from the GRR