November 2011
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2nd - 43 mi Baldy/GMR/GRR/Baldy loop
4th - No Ride - Rain/Snow day
5th - 47 mi Newhall~Box cyn~Black cyn~Newhall
9th - 60 mi Clmnt~Whittier Narrows~Clmnt
13th- 54 mi Baldy~SGRT~GMR~GRR~Baldy loop
16th-106 mi Clmnt~SGRT~PCH~SART~Clmnt
20th - Rain day - NBC Ojai ride cancelled
23rd - 43 mi Baldy/GMR/GRR/Baldy loop
26th - 44 mi Newhall~Little Tujunga~Newhall
29th-106 mi Clmnt~SGRT~PCH~SART~Clmnt
Nov 503
Oct 610
Sept 350
Aug 370
July 440
June 443
May 383
Apr 345
Mar 630
Feb 227
Jan 327
YTD 4628
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Tuesday 11/29/11

106 mi w/Ron
Another Foothills to Beach to Foothills Loop
Rode from Von's Claremont Baseline, Foothill, Sierra Madre to the SGRT.
SGRT to Seal Beach, PCH to Huntington Beach.
Ate lunch in Huntington then up the SART to the Big A.
Through Anaheim, Fullerton, Brea, Diamond Bar, Pomona and back to Claremont.
Great day, good weather, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
Ship in Anaheim Bay
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Saturday 11/26/11

44 mi w/The Newhall Bicycle Co
8 of us rode the Little Tujunga Cyn loop counter clockwise from the Shop.
Beautiful day, Good fun.
Ride Your Bike
The Route
DJ & Stacy
Jeff, DJ, Stacy
Roger, Jeff, Stacy
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Wednesday 11/23/11

43 mi w/Ron - The Baldy, Foothill, GMR, GRR loop.
Rode down the Baldy Rd to Ron's in Upland.
Took Baseline/Foothill to GMR.
Then up GMR/GRR back to Baldy for me.
Ron got a flat at 40mph on the way down the Baldy road.
The steep fast part above the tunnels...
The tire came off the rim and the tube tangled in the brake, spokes, and quick disconnect.
The wheel stopped turning, and Ron kept it upright as he skidded to a stop.
YOW! Bad deal about the flat, good deal that he was able to kept it upright....
Ride Your Bike
RayClone and Ron at the GMR maint shed
Ron's flat carnage
(Anon): 7) Monday 11/21/11
No ride today, still cold and wet up here in MBV.
The temperature never went above 48 today.
Put together a album of collages used here on the blog
check it out: BIKE COLLAGES
Ride Your Bike (11/21/11)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Wednesday 11/16/11

106 mi w/Ron
Rode from Von's Claremont Baseline, Foothill, Sierra Madre to the SGRT.
SGRT to Seal Beach, PCH to Huntington Beach.
Ate lunch, then up the SART to the Big A.
Through Anaheim, Fullerton, Brea, Diamond Bar, Pomona and back to Claremont.
B hooked up with us in the Brea Cyn and rode with us back to Claremont.
Great day, good weather, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Sunday 11/13/11

54 mi Baldy-SGRT-GMR-GRR-Baldy loop
Rode down the Baldy frontside... thats a free 9 miles of no pedaling.
Was planning on riding to the beach. Got to Glendora and plans changed.
Called Matt and Annette to see if they were available to ride up GMR.
Annette was, after she got done working, and Matt was not.
So I rode to SR39 and stopped at Pepe's for Tacos. Yum!
Rode up 39 to the SGRT, then down and back around to Glendora.
Annette was almost done by then. Talked w/Bill while waiting. Nice meeting you Bill.
Rode up GMR w/ Annette, she went back at Priceless (nice view of the valley here).
I continued up GMR, GRR, to Baldy.
Beautiful Day.
Ride Your Bike
Click image for Album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Wednesday 11/09/11
60 mi w/Gary and Ron
Rode from Von's in Claremont, Baseline & Mills.
Across Baseline/Foothill/Sierra Madre to the SGRT.
Down the SGRT to the Santa Fe Dam.
Decided on another 10 mi to the Whittier Narrows Dam.
Reversed route and rode back.
An absoulty beautiful day.
Good friends, good ride.
Had pizza and beer at Roundtable when we returned.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Saturday 11/05/11

47 mi w/The Newhall Bicycle Co ( 6 of us)
Rode from the shop to Santa Susana area to climb Box and Black Cyn roads.
Climbed up Box cyn to Santa Susana Pass Rd, then climbed Black Cyn to the
RocketDyne (Boeing) site.
And then down Woolsey Cyn and returned the same way we rode out.
'Sweet Jesus', Box and Black canyon roads are brutal...
Box Cyn is 3 miles of 9%... Then Black Cyn is 2 miles of 15 to 25%...
YOW! Be afraid.... Makes the Baldy Rd seem like kid stuff...
Ride Your Bike
click image for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Friday 11/04/11
Last official MWF of DST season.
Arghhhhh ! No Ride - Rain/Snow day.
Snow is already gone and should be warmer soon.
I will keep riding the MWF when it is above 40 and dry/no snow,
probably earlier in the day.
E-mail early in day if interested in riding.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Wednesday 11/02/11
43 mi w Ron - Baldy/GMR/GRR loop
A beautiful day. Couldn't wait until evening to ride.
Went out at 11:00a
Rode down the hill to Ron's in Upland, Euclid and 23rd.
Took Baseline/Foothill to GMR.
Up GMR/GRR back to Baldy.
The treat I left at the GMR maint shed on Halloween was still there and yummy.
Great day, great ride.
Ride Your Bike
BB: Wasn't invited to the "cool guy" ride and I know it's not because I'm a near cripple cause I see another broken old fella made it. Congrats Ron! Good to see you didn't let the torch burn out. Rode the second to last MWF of the season. Rode the upper GRR plateua a couple times. (19mi) Don't know what we're going to do Fri. Snow in the forecast. (11/02/11)