March 2012
RK |
2012 |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
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2nd -
3rd - 53 mi w/NBC shop~Ridge Route~Piru Creek~shop
5th - 81 mi Duarte~Long Beach~Duarte SGRT, LART & RHB
8th - 78 mi Duarte~Long Beach~Duarte SGRT, LART & RHB
10th- 45 mi w/NBC shop~Camp 9~shop
12th- 25 mi MWF
14th- 25 mi MWF
20th- 55 mi San Antonio Heights~Lytle Creek~return
21st- 25 mi MWF
24th- 88 mi w/NBC shop~Mt Wilson~shop
27th- 45 mi San Antonio Heights~Bonelli~San Dimas Cyn~Return
28th- 25 mi MWF
31st- 56 mi w/NBC shop~Lake Piru~shop
Mar 601
Feb 632
Jan 565
YTD 1798
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Saturday 03/31/12

56 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (4 riders)
Rode from the shop out the 126 to lake Piru and Back.
The morning started off in a light drizzle, and then turned into a great day.
Saw a couple of condors at the turnaround, Condor Point.
Good ride, good friends.
Ride Your Bike
Hector, Roger, Jason
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Wednesday 03/28/12

25 mi MWF w/Edge
Nice afternoon, cool, good climbing weather.
The snow has all melted from the pavment, just a little left by the sides in the shade.
Quiet evening, only one or two cars on the road.
Ride Your Bike
A little snow left by the sides
Edge, Rayclone
Mt Baldy
mark dehanke: Hello Raymond! Enjoyed riding wth you, Ron and Gary yesterday (march 27). Hope your ride up Golden Hills rd. went well. See you on a ride sometime in the future. Thanks for the company, and pleased to meet all of you gents. Mark (03/28/12)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Tuesday 03/27/12

45 mi w/Ron and Gary
Rode from San Antonio Heights down to Puddin Puddle.
Around the lake a couple of different ways, then up San Dimas Cyn.
Then up and across Golden Hills Rd and down Esperanza to Baseline.
To Euclid and back up to The Heights.
Met Mark on an classic Colnago in San Dimas, nice meeting you.
Ride Your Bike
Route - Click image for ride album
Gary, Ron, RayClone
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Saturday 03/24/12

88 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Company (18 riders)
Rode from the shop up to Mt Wilson and return.
Went out on Newhall pass to Foothill Blvd Took Foothill to Oro Vista,
then up Big Tujunga Cyn Rd. to Angles Forest Hwy to Angles Crest Hwy
and Mt Wilson Red Box Rd to the top.
Took Red Box back to Angles Crest
and went down the other way on Hwy 2 to La Canada/Flintridge.
Then Foothill back to Newhhall Pass and the shop.
88 mi and 7500' of climbing.
Ate at El Trocadero after the ride. Yum!
Ride Your Bike
Most of the group at the top
The Route
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Wednesday 03/21/12

25 mi w/Edge
A nice evening in Paradise.
The snow has all melted off the road.
Clear sailing, good climbing weather.
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy
MtB Panaroma
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Tuesday 03/20/12
55 mi w/Ron
Rode from San Antonio Heights to the end of the Lytle Creek road.
Headed back and ate lunch at Scotland store & restuarant in Lytle Creek.
Good food, great day, 4045' feet of climbing
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Wednesday 03/14/12

25 mi w/Gary, Edge, and B
The shack 'N' back
Another cool cruise through paradise
4 Pirates plundering Glendora Ridge Road - GRRR!
Ride Your Bike
B at Reward on way out
Gary, Edge, RayClone at the Shack
The long and winding road
Reward at the return
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Monday 03/12/12

25 mi w/Edge
Yo Pirates! The Monday, Wednesday, Friday Ride for 2012 Has Officially Started.
A beautiful cool evening in paradise.
56 degrees when we went out, 45 when we got back.
Being that it is a climb on the way back you don't notice the cold, until you stop.
Ride Your Bike
RayClone and Edge in Paradise - Monday MWF
Monday Wednesday Friday Ride
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Saturday 03/10/12

45 mi w/The Newhall Bicycle Co (10 riders)
Rode to LA County Fire Camp 9 and return.
Great day, great climb (almost 5000 ft) Good friends.
Ride Your Bike
The group at Camp 9
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Thursday 03/08/12

78 mi w/Ron
Rode again from El Encanto park in Duarte to Long Beach and return.
Today we changed the route slightly.
Went down the SGRT to Santa Fe dam.
Then across Arrow Hwy to the Rio Hondo Bikeway.
And down the RHB to Long Beach.
I stopped at the Laugh Factory in LB for a flat tire....
Ate lunch at a different place, Dogz Bar and Grill in Belmont Shore.
Yum Good food.
Rode back the SGRT to El Encanto Park.
An absoultely beautiful 80 degree day.
Ride Your Bike
Ron at the lake at the start of the Rio Hondo Bikeway
RayClone having a laugh at the Laugh Factory.... not.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Monday 03/05/12

81 mi w/Ron
Rode from El Encanto park in Duarte to Long Beach and returned.
Went down the SGRT to Whittier Narrows.
Crossed over to the Rio Hondo Bikeway at the Narrows.
Then continued down the RHB to Long Beach.
Ate Lunch in LB and Rode back on the SGRT to El Encanto.
Reminisced about the old wood roller coaster at the Pike in LB.
I was here riding that coaster 49 years ago when I was 14...
Ride Your Bike
Where the Pike was located in Long Beach
Ron at the Pike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Saturday 03/03/12

53 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (12 riders)
Rode from the Shop up the old Ridge Route to Templin Hwy.
From here the group main group divided.
Some turned around and went back.
Some went right on Templin Hwy toward Castatic lake.
Some went left on Templin Hwy toward Pyramid lake.
I went left Toward Pyramid lake to the Piru creek turnaround.
Good day, good ride, good friends.
Ride Your Bike
click image for album