APRIL 2012
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2012 |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
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2nd -
10th - 71 mi - San Antonio Heights~Whittier Narrows~S A Heights
12th - 36 mi - SA Heights / 2xBonelli
14th - 58 mi - w/NBC shop~Griffith Observatory~shop
16th - 25 mi - MWF
17th - 79 mi - El Encanto ~ Long Beach ~ El Encanto
18th - 25 mi - MWF
20th - 25 mi - MWF
21st - 42 mi - w/NBC shop~Templin Hwy~shop
25th - 25 mi - MWF
26th - 10 mi - GRR in the rain
28th - 41 mi - w/NBC loop around Santa Clarita
30th - 43 mi - loop / MBV~San Antonio Heights~GMR~GRR~MBV
Apr 480
Mar 601
Feb 632
Jan 565
YTD 2278
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Monday 04/30/12

43 mi w/Ron
Rode from Mt Baldy Village down to San Antonio Heights.
Then across Baseline/Foothill and up to Sierra Madre Ave to GMR.
Up GMR to GRR and back to Baldy Village.
Saw a small Pacific Rattler on GMR.
Ron turned around at Newmans point on GMR.
Nice day, good temperture.
Ride Your Bike
Pacific rattler on GMR
Ron at Newmans Point
Sun flowers, maint shed, Mt Baldy from GMR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Saturday 04/28/12
41 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (6 riders)
Rode a loop around Santa Clarita.
We were going to ride Vasquez cyn to Sand cyn but VasquezCyn Rd was closed.
Nice day, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Thursday 04/26/12
10 mi GRR w/B, Natalie
Started out in a light rain that just got heavier.
After getting soaked turned around and came back.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Wednesday 04/25/12
25 mi MWF
Wow! An adventure in Paradise this evening!
At 5:00 it was 67 degrees and no rain.
When I left to ride at 5:30 there were a few raindrops.
Decided to ride reguardless, by Cow Canyon Saddle the rain had stopped.
GRR was clear and dry. It did get windy and cooler as I went down the canyon.
At the Maintenance Shed turnaround it started to rain again.
It looked like I might be able to beat the storm back.
I pulled out of the rain about a mile from the turnaround.
There was sunlight for a little while, then fog.
Made it to the top of Reward before the rain caught me.
Rode the last 4 mi in the rain.
Fast spin
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Saturday 04/21/12
42 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co
Rode from the shop along the old Ridge Route up to Templin Hwy and return.
This is a long medium climb.
Warm day, great weather.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Friday 04/20/12

25 mi w/B
Nice warm evening in Paradise
Slow spin.
Saw a young Pacific Rattler.
Ride Your Bike
Pacific Rattlesnake
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Wednesday 04/18/12

25 mi w/B
A great evening in Paradise.
Temperature cool, medium spin.
Ride Your Bike
Glendora Ridge Road with Mt Baldy in Background
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Tuesday 04/17/12

79 mi w/Ron
Rode from El Encanto Park in Duarte to Long Beach and back.
Took the SGRT to Santa Fe dam and exited at Arrow Hwy.
Then took Arrow Hwy to the Rio Hondo Bikeway/LART to Long Beach.
Ate lunch in Seal Beach, then rode home on the SGRT.
Great day, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
click image for Album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Monday 04/16/12
25 mi MWF w/Ron and B
A beautiful Afternoon in Paradise.
Saw Matt at the Monroe saddle turnaround.
Good seeing you Matt, I had wondered where you had been.
Ride Your Bike
B, RayClone, Ron, Matt at the Monroe Turnaround
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Saturday 04/14/12

58 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (10 riders)
Rode from the shop to Griffith Observatory and back.
Went through the Newhall pass to San Fernando Rd to Victory Blvd. to Griffith Park.
Climbed Griffith Park Dr. to the Observatory, this is a good climb...
On the way back, on San Fernando Rd, there is a bike path next to the road.
6 of us made the mistake of cutting over to the bike path, as one block later, 5 of us
had 10 flat tires... we had gone through a patch of goats head thorns... Arghhhh!
After a group flat fixing... we were back on the way home to the shop.
Good friends, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Thursday 04/12/12
36 mi w/Ron
Rode from San Antonio Heights 2 times around Bonelli and back.
Cool day, at the edge of the rain, medium spin.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Tuesday 04/10/12

71 mi w/Ron
After spending the first week of this month cutting trees, I finally got out to ride.
Rode from San Antonio Heights across Baseline, Foothill to the SGRT
and down to Whittier Narrows.
Rode across the narrows to the Rio Hondo Bikeway and returned back to the Heights.
Great day, good ride.
Ride Your Bike
Ron on the SGRT