MAY 2012
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2012 |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
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2nd -
5th - 45 mi w/NBC Camp 9, loop CCW from shop - Cinco de Mayo
7th - 25 mi MWF
9th - 25 mi MWF
10th - 50 mi CWP~MBSL~GRR~GMR~CWP
11th - 25 mi MWF
12th - 50 mi w/NBC shop~Green Valley~return
14th - 25 mi MWF
18th - 60 mi Pre TOC ride NBC/GRRR
19th AMGEN TOUR of CALIFORNIA Ontario~Mt Baldy
19th - 10 mi Cow Cyn saddle~ski lift parking lot KOMs
21st - 25 mi MWF
22nd- 15 mi GRR~MBV~Ice House Cyn~MBV
23rd- 25 mi MWF
26th- 50 mi w/NBC bike shop~Agua Dulce~shop
28th- 25 mi MWF
30th- 60 mi MWF and Azusa~East Fork
May 515
Apr 480
Mar 601
Feb 632
Jan 565
YTD 2793
Useful Links:
A Ghostly Sub 19: 15) Wednesday 05/30/12

60 mi w/Ron and Gary MWF and Azusa Cyn.~East Fork, GMR, GRR, MBV.
I Rode down the hill @ 12:00p and met Ron and Gary at Ron's house @ top of Euclid.
We rode from there across Foothill/Baseline/Sierra Madre to Pepe's Tacos.
Ate lunch, Yum, then rode up Azusa Cyn (SR 39) to East Fork rd.
Across East Fork to Camp Williams, and then continued over to and up N. GMR to GRR.
GRR back to the Mt Baldy Village.
Saw Edge, John H, and Collin on GRR, they were riding out on the regular MWF ride.
When I got to my house in the Village, I went back out GRR in the sag wagon to see if anyone need any assistance.
All was well...
An absolute Great day!!!
Ride Your Bike
Click image for Album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Monday 05/28/12

25 mi MWF w/Ron
A beautiful clear Memorial day evening on GRR
The flowers are in bloom, only a couple of cars out.
Rode out fast, cruised back.
Ride Your Bike
Memorial Day
Flowers on GRR
Ron and RayClone at the maintenence shack
Ron on GRR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Saturday 05/26/12

50 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (12 riders)
Rode from the bike shop to Agua Dulce and back.
A cool morning, never got too hot the entire ride.
Good day, Good friends, Good ride.
Ride Your Bike
The Group at Agua Dulce
The Route
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Wednesday 05/23/12

25 mi w/GRRR ( 7 riders)
An absoultly beautiful evening in Paradise
After the group rode out 'kinda' together and got the group photo at the Monroe turnaround.
The rest of the ride and climb was everyone for themselves.....
Venga Venga Venga!!
This means 'Go go go go!! Faster faster faster!!'
Ride Your Bike
Let me reiterateYaHooie!!! YaHooie!!!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Tuesday 05/22/12
15 mi w/Natalie
Rode out GRR to 50mph corner then back to MBV.
Then rode up to Ice House Cyn and back again to MBV.
A little flat work, a little climbing, and some bicycle adjustments.
A nice evening.
Ride Your Bike (05/22/12)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Monday 05/21/12

25 mi MWF w/Edge
A beauty of an evening in Paradise.
The road was quiet this evening compared to how it has been.
The ramp up to stage 7 of the ATOC has kept it busy.
This evening started out at 80 degrees, but got cooler during the ride.
Saw Matt and Ron at the GMR maintenence shed.
Exchanged ATOC storys and experiences.
On the way back at Monroe saddle saw a pair of coyotes.
They were healthy looking, and were searching the road for leftovers from the weekend.
The female stayed back, but the male came over and asked for food.
He was bold, being only 3~4 feet away.
I told him I didn't have anything for him, but I wanted to take his picture.
He posed nicely and after a dozen or more pictures...
Edge and I left to finish the ride.
Ride Your Bike
Monday in Paradise - click image for album
RayClone: 9) Saturday 05/19/12

78 mi Stage 7 Ontario~Mt Baldy Amgen Tour of California
Results of the 1st KOM: Mt Baldy Glendora Ridge Road
1. George Bennett, RadioShack-Nissan
2. Jens Voigt, RadioShack-Nissan
3. Chris Horner, RadioShack Nissam
4. Brad White, United HealthCare
5. Marc de Maar, United HealthCare
Results at the Ski Lifts finish :
1. Robert Gesink (Ned) Rabobank Cycling Team 3:37:08
2. Darwin Atapuma Hurtado (Col) Colombia - Coldeportes
3. Fabio Andres Duarte Arevalo (Col) Colombia - Coldeportes 0:00:14
4. Joseph Dombrowski (USA) Bontrager Livestrong Team 0:00:18
5. Thomas Danielson (USA) Garmin - Barracuda 0:00:26
6. Christopher Horner (USA) RadioShack-Nissan 0:00:35
7. Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Rabobank Cycling Team 0:01:04
8. Tiago Machado (Por) RadioShack-Nissan 0:01:06
9. Levi Leipheimer (USA) Omega Pharma-Quickstep 0:01:08
10. Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team 0:01:22
Ride Your Bike
Winners Stage 7 ATOC
#1 KOM Glendora Ridge Road
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Friday 05/18/12

60 mi Pre TOC GRRR/NBC ride (12 riders)
Rode from the Mt Baldy Village out GRR, down the north side of GMR to Eastfork
Out Eastfork to SR39, down 39 to Seirra Madre Ave. West to GMR
Up GMR, GRR back to the Baldy Village.
I hit a rock about 3 miles out of the Village and flatted.
About took out the sidewall of the tire.
Roger had a stick on boot that fixed it. Good thing...
Jorge got a flat in Glendora.
We climbed 6000' today.
Great Day, Great Ride, Good Friends.
Ride Your Bike
click for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) Monday 05/14/12

25 mi MWF w/Natalie, Edge and John Hewitt
Good to see you John and have you ride with us this evening.
A great evening in Paradise.
Cool in the 60's, good climbing weather.
Saw Matt and Ron at Monroe saddle.
Ride Your Bike
click image for album
RayClone: Friday May 18th, the day before stage 7 of the Tour of California

GRRR and Newhall Bicycle Co will be riding a loop from:
Baldy Village to the Ski Lifts, and back to the Village.
Out GRR and down the north side of GMR to East Fork Rd to Hwy 39.
39 down to Sierra Madre Ave, east to, and up GMR to GRR and return to the Village.
This is approx 65 mi
Ride Your Bike
Preposed Friday route
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) Saturday 05/12/12

50 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (6 riders)
Rode from the shop to Green Valley and back.
Great day, ideal conditions, good drafting.
Ride Your Bike
The Route
The Group
Rest at Green Valley
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) Friday 05/11/12

25 mi MWF w/Jess, Edge, and B
Cool Evening, Medium spin through Paradise.
Good climbing temperture.
Saw a doe and a small Mountain King.
There is a sign at out start/finish location,
It says there is going to be a special event on the 19th.
That would be the queen stage of the Tour of California.
The Pro's will be hammering through our mountains.
Good stuff, don't miss it.
Ride Your Bike
click for album
A Ghostly Sub: 4) Thursday 05/10/12
50 mi w/Nick, Sean, Hector, Rick, Ron, Gary
Met Nick, Sean, Hector, Rick, Gary at the Claremont Wilderness Park.
Nick, Sean, Hector, and Rick are from the Newhall area.
Rode up the Baldy road and Ron intercepted us at Shin Rd.
We rode up the road and through the Mt Baldy Village and on upward.
Saw B on the section between the Village and Ice House.
I stopped at Ice House Cyn, the rest continued to the Ski Lifts.
We met back up and continued back down to the Village.
Went out GRR, down GMR, to Foothill/Baseline and Back to CWP.
Jorge and a friend rode with us back to Claremont.
50 mi 6500' of climbing.
A great day in Paradise, good friends, good ride, good climb.
Ride Your Bike
nick: Hey ray. I had a lot of fun today glad u guys were able to come out and join us. Nick (05/10/12)
Jess: Hey Ray! Thanks for a great ride! This place is so amazing. Great blog too, the photos are wonderful! (05/09/12)
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) Wednesday 05/09/12
25 mi MWF (4 riders)
Another absoultly beautiful day in Paradise!
Perfect conditions.
Meduim spin.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) Monday 05/07/12

25 mi MWF (5 riders)
A beautiful day in paradise.
The wild flowers are starting to bloom on GRR.
Don't miss the beauty of riding in the mountains in these perfect conditions.
Medium spin.
Ride Your Bike
click image for album
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Saturday 05/05/12 Cinco de Mayo

45 mi w/Newhall Bicycle Co (16 riders)
Rode to LACO Fire Camp 9.
Went out through the Newhall Pass to Foothill Blvd.
Took Foothill to Little Tujunga Cyn Rd, and 3N17 to Camp 9.
This is 5000' of climbing in 30 mi from the shop to Camp 9.
The 15 mi back to the shop is mostly downhill.
A Great day, Good friends, Good ride.
There was a Cinco De Mayo Street Fair in downtown Newhall when we got back.
Ride Your Bike
Click image for Ride Album