| RK | | OCT | | 2009 | |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
2nd MWF -25
3rd - Sat - 118 mi. Baldy, SGRT,LB,HB,SantaAnaRT,Brea, DB, PMA, CLMNT.
5th MWF - 25
7th MWF - 15
9th MWF - 25
11th Sun - 150 mi. NBC ~ LBviaLA rivertrail. Return SGRT to Foothill to NBC.
12th MWF - nr - rain day
14th MWF -nr - rain day
16th MWF - 25
17th -Sat - 111 mi Clmnt ~ LB via SGRT,Huntington. Return SART,Brea, DB, Pma, Clmnt.
19th MWF - 25
21st MWF- 25
23rd MWF - 25
24th -Sat - 108 mi. Clmnt ~ Arcadia ~Highland ~ Clmnt.
26th MWF - 25
28th MWF - 25
30th MWF - 25
31st - Sat Halloween ~ Daylight Saving Time ends ~ Don't be scared.
Oct 752 mi
Sept 625 mi
Aug 514 mi
July 504 mi
Jun 513 mi
May 651 mi
Apr 406 mi
Mar 472 mi
Feb 191 mi
Jan 173 mi
YTD 4801 mi
Some useful links:
How to Calculate Angle and Grade
Heart Rate Chart
Real Time Temperature from Baldy Notch to Montclair
Mt Baldy area - NWS WX forcast
Glendora Mountain Road
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) ARGH!!

GRR still closed.
Probably until the next significant rainfall.
Lets Do a Rain Dance.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Sun 10/11 Itinerary:
Riding with the Newhall Bicycle Company.
6:30a start @ Newhall Bicycly Co.
Ride to Griffith park.
Get on the LA river Bike trail.
Ride down to Long Beach.
Take coast Hwy to San Gabriel River trail.
Ride up SGRT to Foothill blvd.
Then take Foothill/San Fernando Rd back to Newhall.
About 140 mi round trip.
Join Us. All welcome.
A good time is planned.
Ride Your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) 10/09 Friday MWF ride
Rode a 1:42 w/Edge, medium spin.
Not to cold this evening, about 60 degrees at start and 52 at end.
A Pleasant Pedal in Paradise. But do make sure to bring a light
so you don't get eaten by loup-garou.
Ya Hooie
Don't be scared - Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) 10/5 Monday MWF ride.
Shiver me timbers, it is cold here today.
It was 48 degrees at the start 5:30p and 44 degrees when we got back.
And it is now getting dark at 7:15...
Synopsis.. Cold and Dark...
Yahoo, Ride your Bike...
PS: Petal hard to stay warm.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) 10/03 Sat - Just a absolute beautiful day.
The ride to the Beach and back went as planed, and went well.
118 mi of fun.
Saw Matt and met Annette.
They were riding up through the moon scape above
Newman corner on GMR.
Good seeing you.
Great mountain to sea views this day of clean air,
perfect temperture, and good friends.
Ride Your Bike!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) Sat itinerary:
Leave Baldy @ 7:45a ride out GRR to GMR to Sierra Madre.
Meet B at intersection GRR/SM @ 9:30a.
Continue on Sierra Madre to, and around Santa Fe Dam and
get on the San Gabriel River Bike Trail to Long Beach
Coast Hwy to Huntington Beach.
Eat lunch
Ride back on Santa Ana River Trail
Join us, it's always a good time.
Oh Yeah, Ride your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) 10/2 Friday MWF ride
Yee Ha! A beauty of an evening Pedaling in Paradise.
Rode a 1:44 w/Edge.
Perfect temperture, no traffic, clean road, and a full moon..
Yeah... It is good to be back.
Ride Your Bike!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 2) GRR is OPEN
Jack from the movie "The Shining" Purposing a Rain Dance.....
Must have done something..
GRR is OPEN Yah!
There will be a Friday MWF ride tomorrow.
Ride your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 19) 10/31 Happy Halloween!
I'm resting today before riding The Death Ride Plus
Tomorrow, Sunday 11/01 Josh and I will be Leaving Baldy by 5:20a and
will be meeting 3 others about 6:00a @ Padua& Baseline in Clmnt.
to ride the epic The Death Ride Plus
Rode this route last on Aug 15th
This is 117 miles Around the San Gabriels.
~ Route ~
Ride down to Claremont,
East to Etiwanda
North to Lytle creek rd,
East to Glen Helen,
North through Devore,
West to Old US 66,
Exit at Cleghorn Rd and then
North on the 15 fwy to the 138
West 8 mi on 138 to Angles Crest Hwy (Hwy 2---- (mile 50)
25 mi on Hwy 2 through Wrightwood, Big Pines, Dawson Saddle to hwy 39
South 20 mi on Hwy 39 (Azusa Canyon) to the East Fork Rd
5 mi East to GMR ------ (mile 100)
5 mi up GMR to GRR
12 miles on GRR to Mt Baldy Village start - (mile 117 end)
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 18) 10/29 Friday MWF GRR Ride

Last Official MWF ride This DST
Rode w/Edge
An Absolute Beautiful ride in Paradise.
Visit Paradise
It was much warmer than the previous ride on wed evening.
The moon is almost full now, so there is plenty of light.
Yahooie, another great season.
Stay tuned for more until it gets too cold and dark.
Ride Your Bike
Mt Baldy Village 5:30pm Oct 29, 2009
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 17) 10/28 Wednesday MWf ride.
Rode w/Josh, it was cold and windy this evening.
Paradise was like a refrigerator. 46 degrees at start and 41 at end.
Dressed warm and pedaled hard.
The moon is about 80% full, but there were so many rocks on the
road from the wind you couldn't help but hit a few. Had to be cautious.
Only one friday left during DST.
Don't be scared,
Ride Your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 16) 10/26 Monday MWF ride.
Rode a 1:44 w/Edge.
It was a bit cool this evening.
The moon was half full,
There was enough light to see.
Argh.. Only a W & F left.
Don't be scared.
Ride Your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 15) 10/24 Saturday
108 miles
Rode the "Easy 100"
It starts in Claremont.
You ride 25 miles west on Baseline to Arcadia.
Then you turn around and ride 50 miles east to Highland.
Turn around and ride 25 miles back west to Claremont.
Rode the first 50 w/B.
The second 50 byself.
Ride your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) 10/23 Friday MWF GRR ride.

Rode w/B and Edge.
This evening was classic 'Pedaling in Paradise'.
To the west the sunset was psychedelic orange.
To the east the alpenglow lit up the Ontario/Cucamonga ridge.
The temp never dropped below 60 degrees.
The moon is at about 33%, a waxing crescent.
There was light to see after dark.
Life is good,
Ride Your Bike.
Red sky at night a sailors delight,
sailed through another 25.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) 10/21 Wednesday MWF ride
Nice evening in paradise.
Wish it wasn't getting dark so early.
We are getting about 14~16 miles before dark..
An hour of light and 40 minutes of dark..
Hey! only 4 MWF's left this season.
If you havn't been on a MWF ride..
do it now, before it's done this year.
Daylight saving ends Sunday Nov 1.
ummm... Ride Your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) 10/19 Monday MWF ride.
Yowser, a slow spin.
It was dark, foggy and drizzling this evening.
So foggy that using a light made the visibility worse.
Rode the last hour in the dark without a light.
Had to watch out for Loup-Garou,
and other thing that go bump in the night.
Ride your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) 10/17 Saturday,
111 miles.
Rode from Claremont to Long Beach Via San Gabriel River Trail.
Hunting Beach via Pacific Coast Hwy.
Lunch in Huntington. and rode home via Santa Ana River Trail,
Brea, Diamond Bar, Pomona, Claremont.
Yep, A beautiful day.
Inland was warm and clear, and it was cool and foggy at the Beach.
This made for a perfect day of riding.
Ride your Bike!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) 10/16 Friday MWF ride.
A beautiful evening, breezy, 70 degrees.
Rode a medium spin, 1:38 by myself.
Fall is here, the maple? trees have turned yellow,
and most of the poison oak plants are red.
Saw many bats and at least 6 tarantulas.
The hunters are walking around with guns looking for Bambi...
Yow! Don't be scared..
Ride your bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) 10/11 Sun Yahoo,
150.4 miles
Cool day The ride went very well.
11 riders 17.7 mph avg 8:50 ride time.
can't write any more gotta sleep.
Ride Your Bike