| RK | | NOV | | 2009 | |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 |
1st - Sunday - 114 mi The Death Ride Plus
4th - Wed - 20 mi Claremont -Bonelli - Claremont
6th - Friday - 20 mi Claremont-Bonelli- Claremont
7th - Saturday - 50 mi Glendora - Claremont-Azusa - Glendora
8th - Sunday - 53 mi Mt Baldy - Azusa-Mt Baldy via GRR, GMR, Sierra Madre
11th -Wed - 37 mi Mt Baldy - Camp Williams - Mt Baldy
14th - Saturday - 50 mi Claremont - TDF - Upland -SanDimas - Claremont
16th - Monday - 24 mi Claremont- Bonelli- Claremont
20th - Friday - 25 mi GRR MWF nite ride
22nd Sunday - 140 mi NBC - Long Beach -Seal Beach - SGRT-Foothill - NBC
26th Thursday - 50 mi Thanksgiving
27th Friday - 111 mi Clmnt - Huntington Beach - Clmnt
30th - Monday - 10 mi GRR MWF nite ride
Nov 704 mi
Oct 752 mi
Sept 625 mi
Aug 514 mi
July 504 mi
Jun 513 mi
May 651 mi
Apr 406 mi
Mar 472 mi
Feb 191 mi
Jan 173 mi
YTD 5505 mi
Some useful links:
How to Calculate Angle and Grade
Heart Rate Chart
Real Time Temperature from Baldy Notch to Montclair
Mt Baldy area - NWS WX forcast
Glendora Mountain Road
A Ghostly Sub 19: 1) Sunday Nov 1st 2009

Rode the Death Ride Plus. 114 miles around the San Gabriels.
It just doesn't get much better than this.
It was a perfect day, great ride and good friends.
This was 114 miles and 10,000 ft+ of climbing.
Started at 5:30am from the Mt Baldy Village with/Josh.
We rode down to Claremont, and met up with Chris,Todd,and Kevin.
Rode east to Rancho Cucamonga,
North to Lytle creek rd,
East to Glen Helen,
North through Devore,
West to Old US 66,
Exit at Cleghorn Rd and then North on the 15 fwy to the 138
West on 138 to Lone Pine Canyon and up Lone Pine Cyn to Wrightwood
(what a relentless climb up Lone Pine Cyn 7.5 mi @ 8-10%)
Ate lunch in Wrightwood.
Rode 20 mi west on Hwy 2 through Big Pines, Dawson Saddle
to Islip Saddle/hwy 39
South 20 mi on Hwy 39 (Azusa Canyon) to the East Fork Rd
5 mi East to GMR
5 mi up GMR to GRR -- (mile 102)
12 miles on GRR to Mt Baldy Village start
Josh and I both flatted on the way down from hwy2
on the upper part of Hwy 39 above Crystal Lake.
All went well, and both flat stops were less than 10 min.
Ride time 9 hrs / Stopped time 3 hrs.
Total time 12 hrs
Ride Your Bike
Riding through the Truck Weight Station On the 15 Freeway
Todd and RK at the Vincent Gap gate
On Hwy 2, 1.5 mi from Dawson Saddle, the ride highpoint 7903'
A Ghostly Sub 19: 8) Saturday 11/14/09
50 miles
Started at Vons in Claremont w/B riding west on Baseline.
Rode a couple of miles west and saw a large group coming the other way (east).
We turned around and joined the group. It was the Tour De Foothills group.
We rode with them 32 miles to the end at Memorial Park in Upland.
Fun Stuff!
We then rode west on Foothill until somewhere in San Dimas,
turned around and rode back to Claremont.
Good day, good ride.
Ummm... you know the rest...
Ride Your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 7) 11/11/09 Wednesday - Veterans Day

37 miles
Rode w/B from Mt Baldy to Camp Williams and back.
Beautiful Day, perfect temp...
Why, You would just think this place was paradise.
Good day, good ride .
Ride your Bike
Wiley E Coyote checking out GRR
A Ghostly Sub 19: 6) 11/8 Sunday
Rode 53 mi
Started after noon from the Mt Baldy Village w/B.
Rode to Azusa Cyn via GRR-GMR-Sierra Madre.
Returned to Baldy back the oppsite way, Sierra Madre-GMR-GRR.
A quite nice slice of paradise.
A perfect day, Yahooie.
Ride your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 5) 11/7 Saturday
Rode 50 mi w/B, fast spin.
Started riding west in Glendora, intercepted the Montrose Group
turned around and rode with them east,
peeled off and kept riding east to Claremont.
Watched a Soccer game.
Afterwards rode from Claremont, west to Azusa Canyon/SGRT
then down and around Santa Fe Dam, and back to Glendora.
Yahoo. Nice day.
Ride your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 4) 11/6 Friday ride.
Rode 20 mi. Fast spin.
Went from Vons in Claremont.
Around Puddingstone lake.
And back to Claremont.
Hummm... this looks just like Wednesdays ride.
Anyway, nice evening ride. Got dark way too early.
I'll be riding tomorrow, Saturday.
Will be leaving Baldy about 6:45 ~ 7:00am.
E-mail if interested.
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 3) 11/4 Wednesday ride.
Rode 20 mi.
Went from Vons in Claremont. around Puddingstone lake.
And back to Claremont.
Arghh.. standard time...
There is no time to ride in the light after work. It is dark by 5:00 now.
Anyway, Ride Your Bike
josh: Unbelievable ride.
Top 3 lifetime for sure!!!
Will do again some day!
A Ghostly Sub 19: 15) Monday 11/30
10 mi
Short nite ride
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 14) Friday 11/27
111 mi
From Vons in Clmnt rode down to Huntington Beach
via Pma, DB, Brea Cyn, Fullerton, SART
Then Back
Nice Day
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 13) Thursday 11/26 HAPPY THANKSGIVING
50 mi
Rode down to Huntington Beach W/B
Hitched a car ride back to Baldy with S&B
Beautiful, a million miles of visiability, 8o degree day.
Yowser, Bikes, Family, Friends. The Best.
Had Thanksgiving dinner with our neighbors at Baldy
Yum, Yum, Yum ~ Good Friends, Good Food, Good Fun, Fun, Fun.
Ride your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 12) Sunday 11/22/09
Rode 140 mi w/the Newhall Bicycle Co.
Rode to Griffith park, got on the LA river Bike trail,
and rode down to Long Beach/Seal Beach .
Ate Lunch.
Then rode coast Hwy to San Gabriel River trail.
And up SGRT to Foothill blvd.
Foothill to San Fernando Rd and back to Newhall.
A 140 mi round trip.
Beautiful day, perfect weather
Good Ride, Good friends
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 11) Friday 11/20/09
25 miles medium spin
Rode the MWF ride w/B after dark.
Paradise was rather pleasent this evening.
Dressed warm, it was about 45 degrees.
Good climbing temp, the moon was a waxing crescent @ 21%,
almost enough to see without a light.
The most amazing thing was there were no cars on the road the total 1:40 ride.
Saw 5 coyotes looking at us from the brush along the side,
they think they are hiding, but their eyes reflect from the led light, and are easy to see.
Yahooie, it's absolute Paradise
Ride Your Bike
A Ghostly Sub 19: 10) Sun 11/22 Itinerary: 150 mi
Riding with the Newhall Bicycle Company.
5:45a start
Newhall Bicycle Co.
24343 Railroad Ave, Newhall Ca.
(661) 284-6184
Ride to Griffith park. Get on the LA river Bike trail.
Ride down to Long Beach/Seal Beach - Lunch
Take coast Hwy to San Gabriel River trail.
Ride up SGRT to Foothill blvd.
Then take Foothill/San Fernando Rd back to Newhall.
About 150 mi round trip.
Join Us. All welcome.
A good time is planned.
Ride Your Bike.
A Ghostly Sub 19: 9) Monday 11/16/09
24 miles Fast spin 1:13
Rode west on Baseline from Vons in Clmnt to Amelia in Glendora.
South to Gladstone
East to San Dimas
South to, and counter clockwise around Puddlestone.
Then back through Pomona, Claremont to Vons.
Temp was perfect this evening, but no moon and very dark. Bring a light...
Ride your Bike